Canadian Stage is now accepting applications for the Ontario Arts Council Recommender Grant, please see details here: 

Ontario Arts Council Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators 

Application Deadline: October 29, 2024, 1:00 PM 
Grant Amount: $1000.00 – $3000.00 

Click here to apply 

Canadian Stage is proud to participate in the OAC’s Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators program. These grants, funded through the OAC, provide small amounts of funding for new creation projects to Ontario based artists.

Our Recommender Grants encourage applications from a variety of performance practices, such as:

Applications for this program are only accepted through the OAC’s NOVA Portal, and must be submitted before 1PM EST on the deadline date. You can apply to more than one company with your application. Click here to see a full list of recommending companies.  

Please read through the guidelines carefully before you prepare your application. 

If you have any questions about the Recommender Grants for Theatre Artists program, please contact Associate Artistic Director Jordan Laffrenier (